Customer Service: 610-882-8800
Routing Number: 031318716
We’ve designed the site to be easier to use across all devices and to provide you with faster access to the products and services you need. We’ve also added new tools and resources along with useful information and news.
There is No Change to the Log-In Process.
The new website launch does not affect your log-in username or password. All of your information will remain the same. Simply click on the appropriate link under the ‘My Account’ tab in the main navigation and sign in.
We’re excited at the opportunities our new site will give us to better serve the residents and businesses of the Lehigh Valley. We encourage you to take a tour of the site and check out the variety of banking products and services that have made us the Lehigh Valley’s bank!
General FAQs
Current Rates
Investor Relations
Travel Tips & Card Security
Biweekly Savings
Loan Payment
Mortgage Refinance Savings
Mortgage Closing Costs
Digital Banking Resources
Digital Banking FAQs
Personal Online Banking Demo & Tutorials
Business Online Banking Demo & Tutorials